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Writer's picturearizona smith

Theme + Tarotscopes for January 2025

Updated: Jan 3


An energetic theme for the collective and an individual reading for each of the signs across January.

Theme for January via my lens +  guides:


January calls us toward the shining green door of elemental mystery. There is so much magic in the earth, have we forgotten it? There is so much magic in the earthy attributes we hold, consistency, routine, the art of nourishment and of burying and composting grief, for tending and cultivating potential and for being a nest for magick ancient and new. 


We are called to work with the forgotten senses, smell in particular. What do you know when you turn away from what is loud? 


We are called to work with mastery. When we are in our mastery state, when we know and see and smell what is true, when we are unafraid of these things what do we emblazon to last like stone and what to we add to our mortar to grind down into some new pigment?


This may show up in your life as a kind of cosmic sorting of what is golden and what is fool’s gold. You may be called to study, you may be faced with the opportunity to dig deep and see more, to trust your own wisdom and find the alphabet it holds. 


Work with green, gold, doorways and thresholds and trusting the eye of the heart.




Read your sun, moon and rising sign for a fuller picture, it can be nice to read these at the beginning and end of the month. See the theme of the month to situate your reading.

Each sign has an invitation to work with a colour, shape, plant or otherwise. 'Work with them' by taking time with them energetically or physically: think about them/look at them/ dream on them - see what arises. All energies carry wisdom. If you want to work further with your reading feel free to book a 1:1 and let me know you'd like to deepen into the mythos of your month ahead.

Channelled artworks for a new family


January, a birthday month for many of you is centred around the star, starlight and healing this year. There is a silvery sense of irrigation and cleansing, of soft snow falling as the mystery weaves itself quietly into your backdrop - aiding in what's to come next. What this may feel like - it may feel like limitation, it may be a spaciousness easily mistaken for an abandonment, it may feel like the voices of the guides have wandered. However, this is not the case beloved, they are simply trusting of you as they turn to work on their mysterious happenings. There is a healing here and what it calls of you is the courage to say simply - this is who I am, and in doing so I connect to all things and remember my deep belonging here on earth. Not always the easiest, but certainly profound work. To others it may look like there is some secret thing, some unsaid thing - holding you back - this is simply the clarity of your brilliance to others, and now you are called to drop the search for your place - its here, earth being - you are home. Move through this month by reaching for movement, lymph work, breathwork and starlight. 



This is a month connected with decision-making, organisation and facing your blocks. Where can you bring greater balance into your life? You are encouraged to access your feelings and allow things that have been pushed down to surface and offer their wisdom, even if there is pain attached. You may find yourself in a conflict at this time; shed light on the truth even if you don’t want to in order to move forward. You are protected by the winged ones; nothing is as bad as it seems. Grounding is especially important this month as there may be a tendency for your consciousness to reside up in the head, leaving the rest of the body to fend for itself - mitigate this by grounding into routine, eating and exercising getting outside to look at the trees as often as you can. There is much in your foundational world realigning, there may also be relationship anxieties as you work out what your needs are and how best to align with them. Move through this month with stellar boundaries, time for reflection, kindness and a priority on physical self-care.



This is a month of opportunity, abundance and successful movements especially relating to money and careers but also authentic expression and progress in all areas. You will be called to stand firm to what you think and this may be in the face of naysayers or those who are making demands on your time and energy which you know needs to be directed towards your own personal world building. You are very well placed to hold your boundaries however, and you will do this best by taking a kind - to - nervous - system approach. Consider this Jan a seeding of lasting legacy month, all that you work on here will sprout to be tended across time - how exciting! Move through this month being ready to work with anxiety or overwhelm which may arise as a self-sabotage technique, move slowly and with determination, paw by paw all will be managed and there is a new energy helping it to be so in your inner world. Work with rose, crystalline water, the fae and the image of the wheel to aid you.


Aries this month holds a glorious tone for you to engage with, a humming of abundant and verdant lenses of self, of opportunity for cosmic connection as well as somatic bliss. However!! When I feel into how this actually feels for you there are some caveats, you are really being called to trust yourself, to shine a light on those places where you have hidden who you are. Your inner knowing is calling for big change, the kind that may just blow the top open. Although this may set your internal alarms off, consider the importance of the smoke hole in a fire-heated tent. You need an opening to the divine, a place to watch the stars, and a place for your heat smoke to spiral into the cool night air. This month calls for you to roll over and let your voice bore an opening in the comfort of your nest. And if the grief comes, let it rock. Call on those guides who like midwifes get this transformation time, will celebrate it thoroughly and also be unphased in holding back your hair if things get active. Work with snake, lightning, somatic movement and unapologetic speak. 



This month offers calm and rational energy. Jan may also offer good news and offers of money or financial backing - yay! This month may feel dreamy, you may find yourself called into the liminal, not in an airy-fairy way but with dedication to your craft and especially creative pursuits. You may appear to others as self-involved, don’t pay this any mind - and cast a boundary if someone makes this apparent in your field. This is a particularly good time for planning, considering the short-, medium- and longer-term goals and what you want to work on strengthening in your expression in order to get there. Work with horse, wheel and lily as allies for this work, much is budding for you.



There’s a big shift for you towards healing and perhaps self-forgiveness. There is opportunity to really change patterns and make bold moves aligned with your desires and self-expression. This should feel in general like a sense of ease and peace with self and others, a knowing of what is to come and what to do. This may appear to others as a really regulated nervous system, which is a wonderful presence to bestow on all beings. Although there is much ease here use it to move you through the challenges of healing that are knocking on your awareness rather than letting things slide. Choose freedom this month, whatever that means to you. Work with pink rose, grandmothers, cinnamon and salt. 



You may find your psychic self to be very much online this month, and you are called to listen well, however your intuition is speaking to you - be it through dreams, insights, patterns or senses. There is a deep and courageous movement happening in relation to your ancestry karmic, DNA or both. Deep strength is needed and this doesn't seem to be in issue for you as your power builds. You have a deep capacity to manifest. In order for this immense power to channel outwards work on allowing yourself to be right in your insights, revere the liminal and make space to get to know yourself as a power - being. If called to join with a healing practice, ceremony or line of study this could be a very good moment to engage. Release secret shame, somatic practice especially before dreaming may help. 


 Okay Scorpio so there might be a lot of downloads coming through this month around changing things up in a business sense - which mayyyy be a little annoying, as often the mystery timing is! However, the clues you are getting are directing you to greater and greater ease and what feels like a right embodiment of the deep and ancient masculine. The archetype who is total abundance, who is in no way plagued by the work he does or the rest, or the comings and goings of others - for him, like the sun, all is truly well. These clues feel as though they are being bestowed largely by guides who have been human or human ancestors, those who know what it is to hold the struggles of earth. Turn to the full moon to consider what is ended, what ties may be released in order for what is more easeful to emerge. Working with water, starlight, the full moon and frankincense. 


There may be confusion or overwhelm that rises this month and this may feel like depression or scarcity. To others it may seem like a crisis of confidence. If this does arise in this way the advice is to seek out ceremony - whatever this means to you. Connecting in with the beloved be it a deity, your own wise heart or natures great embrace. This is a month for the trans-personal, for the constancy in guidance that aligning with something greater than the human mind can offer. Be aware of distractions in this time. This is a threshold of transformation, moving you into deeper communion, you are not lost, you are simply finding yourself. Initiation and wisdom align, your guides are close - do not be afraid to ask for assistance. Call upon gold, forest, and woodsmoke.



January may be a moment to make decisions based on your medicine basket - all the good holy truths you have won through experience now become medicines for you and the world. What can you attend to with the awareness of your won journey and how might this align or alight the council of others who do not know you as well as you know yourself. There may be decisions like lighting which cut through or away what is the energy of confusion or even poison. Your ally is to remember that you decide what you want to do next, and when, you are called into your throne of sovereignty this month. Work with Sun, Inner Masc., panther and Ankh.



There is a radiance to all that is closing and composting this month. Its ok to flow with that the radiance and the grief all at once. Cutting ties to what was, ending of a tenancy, a relationship, a habit a way of being. Allow yourself to feel it all. Whatever is arising materially to end and therefore to begin is connected to something deeper and the more you are able to process it the clearer you will feel. Turn to moon, to snake and to birch tree to aid you in the transformation-dance. a magick time of creativity and fated movements. 



There may be a sense of withdrawal from the world this month, a sense of needing not to be rushed. Focus on creating a protective and grounded basis, adopting or renewing your morning and evening routines, focusing on the basics of health, wellness and finances to help build upwards from this place of safety and security. Meditation will be a particularly helpful guide, walking meditation of sitting isn’t your jam. meditation gratitude and limit your exposure to harmful or anxiety raising media, foods and peoples. This is a world building time for you, give yourself all the nourishment you need to get the absolute most out of it. All is well sweetheart; this is not a failure but a deeply healthy beginning for what's to come. work with the weavers, herbs and kitchen witchery, routine and consistency, meditation and an inner focus. 


For a personal deep dive book below to sit with me.

For a 'year ahead' reading book as a Healing Tarot session below and note 'year ahead' when booking.


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