An energetic reading for each of the signs across December
Read your sun, moon and rising sign for a fuller picture, it can be nice to read these at the beginning and end of the month. See the theme of the month to situate your reading.
Each sign has an invitation to work with a colour, shape, plant or otherwise. 'Work with them' by taking time with them energetically or physically: think about them/look at them/ dream on them - see what arises. All energies carry wisdom.
Dear Aquarius, welcome to your age, how incredible to be at the very beginning of this time foretold for multiple generations. So much clearing and release has been done during this year of the dragon and there is one more cleansing breath of 2024 for us to work with. This month sees a rise of self-doubt which may blossom into confusion or overwhelm for some, may radiate into overzealous action for others - the key is to be patient + don’t believe the hype. There may be a sense of feeling limited, that the shifts we were hoping for or working towards perhaps are not coming. Beloved, this is the dark before the dawn, once again: don't believe the hype! There is grief of some kind to be released here, released and forgiven and ceremonially laid down to dissolve in the embrace of deep winter and her wisdom. The balm for you, whatever comes up this month, is to prioritise alone time, hermitage, solitary considerations and simple spiritual rituals. There is much to be grateful for and more to come, if chaos arises walk the other way. Work with untangling knots, snow and silence.
Ooooh Capricorn may this month fill you with the strength and valour of the wisest of tigers. An interesting month for you as you move towards a new way of doing things which may appear bonkers to the outside world. However, on the inside it feels like bounty, and more than this it will feel like a validation of who you truly are. There is a wise unpeeling happening for you as you consider yourself as not just a bone deep builder of the foundational but simultaneously a visionary - and in this context an incredibly wise being. So, in thinking of yourself as wise, what might shift - where have you been approaching the freedom of another and calling it yours? Align and alight yourself - things will shift and energy will flow and all in the name of a becoming of self which feels vital and prosperous. Work with fire, physical movement and consume any and all stories which carry the wisdom of the crone.
Boundaries are the big work of December. Considering where are you carrying others, and in doing so who or what are you keeping out of the truth of what you need and who you are? This may feel like overwhelm, grief, sickness and or confusion about how to change these patterns, relate differently and get what you need. You are doing the work and figuring it out, you are in the ring and no one on the outside can knock that. Sometimes when we are right in the murk of the thing it can be helpful to hear how things look from the outside - which is exactly what I have asked for you. Although things may feel a lot on the inside, and you may be bumping up against feeling like you just can’t get things right- you are seen in this by your guides as exactly on track, meeting your challenges and obstacles with valour and spirit, with fire and determination. You are greatly honoured for all you are courageously moving through and achieving, yes achieving! The balm is to release the stories which carry the grip of fear, release them over and over - you are making something new. Work with water and starlight.
Aries you have a harmony going on with Capricorn this month as you experience similar happenings - what is your experience of this sign? This month sees the potential for reunions, encounters with peoples or parts of self from the past all in order to balance and neutralise. This is a Filofax month in which things are being sorted well and stored in the linen cupboard ready for exalted use in 2025. Prioritise tasks like this, especially the ones you may put off but when present with in fact bring much joy. This may look outwardly like a lack of focus for 'what rEaAalLly matters' but in fact it is celebration, joy, and ordering which really matter through December especially. You do not need a plan-plan for next year - unless it brings you joyful celebration - you just need an ordered house and mind as best you can make. The next step is trusting your nest and allowing the actions to drop in come January. Cautions - if the fire rises, find snow. Work with delighted ordering as a practice this month, black birds and gifts.
December may feel a little internal for you Taurus, it may even feel combative or like there are disagreements and fuzziness around, you may in fact be missing somewhere or someone more than usual this month. What’s called for is soul family/ loving family/ celebration and work with your hands. Whether you can be with your loved ones physically or not you can connect to them and their spirit through what you make with the heirlooms that are your beautiful and creative hands. pour your feelings into what you make - cook, clean, dance, play, cry, shout, sneeze and laugh into your creations and then gift them out accordingly. Stand up for what you believe in and always remember you are never truly alone; your loving beings fly alongside through and with it all. Work with creative acts and stompy walks.
Endings may loom large this month which may feel like more work or more road to go before rest is available. It may appear to others that you are closing off from their advice and going someone insular or isolated. The medicine of this month lies in going into your literal or inner hermitage, without contracting into a freeze, but instead acquiring the peace you need to sort out what's what. You must root out the beliefs that what has come before will be what has come again, identify the patterns which feel insurmountable and throw them on the bonfire with delight and lavender oil. Endings are also beginnings and whatever story you may be telling about being too old, too small, too big or not enough whatever - in fact, you wield more power than you ever did. Work with anima mundi, silence, candlelight.
December is abundance, success - congratulations and a whoop whooping!! However! it may also feel like a combination of admin and thought tasks which lie heavy and the fear of getting it wrong+ not being enough. To the outside world it will likely look like glory. The medicine is, of course to trust yourself - you have earned this and it’s meant for you. Confide in those you trust and give space for the parts of self which feel insecure and then, celebrate. Celebrating all you have achieved is especially important this year - have a party, do a fire jumping ceremony, join a conga line - whatever, but mark your achievements. This is one of the ways you will build trust with joy.
Working with cosmic egg, inner father, green candle.
December looks like exploring new territory in the most exalted and exciting of ways. Meeting new parts of self and exercising new aspects of what it is to be you under the visionary light of the age of Aqua. You may be feeling extra creative and extra in touch with younger parts of self who are providing insight into moving with greater and more playful authenticity. This will appear to others as a feminine reclamation or opening of self, the crack of the cosmic egg further towards the fire yolk of spirit - the spirit of you! Trust your intuition and be open to your visionary dreams, what medicine is being shown to you in the language you are creating through what your hands emit. Trust yourself and trust the wisdom you create - this month feels big for you Scorpio, enjoy! Work with play, song, painting and walking.
December is centred around loving relationships, perhaps you are feeling into a new relationship. Perhaps you are working on being more loving to yourself - either way go for it - this is a season for action in the direction of greater loving experience and divine partnership with self and others. Be aware that this may derail some of your plans, in the name of love let it be so - trust yourself and return to this question when unsure - what would the most loving action I could take in this moment be? Remember that what is most loving is not always 'nice'. You got this Pisces. Work with red, creativity and sensuality this month.
December may be haunted by the worry that you are not getting 'this' right. Perhaps you are worrying what others might think, or judging yourself on what you have or haven't done. There may be feelings of being constrained, something almost malevolent around. This may look outwardly like a fear of the future or of stepping forward in life. The medicine or balm coming through is to clear these feelings and the sense of being haunted, constrained/ poisoned emotionally by allowing space for whatever grief, whatever tears, whatever form of unwellness to erupt. Ideally doing this with a loving witness - so that you then might both look at what has been coughed up from the deep and, I suspect, experience that this thing isn’t so damning after all. The medicine is to trust in another to help you move things through dear one. Working with community, ceremony, true love.
There may be some fast action this month for you as you come to the aid of plans and thoughts and dreams with lightning speed. This may feel validating and abundant, this may be exactly what you have been hoping for a little while now - what you need to work well and creatively again. Your work is to keep alchemising your vision into being, living it, embody it. You are called to identify the energy of anxiety in your life where are you currently embodying anxiety or where are you currently circumventing it into something else? Sleep is especially important to look at re anxiety - and once you find it - name it and decide how best to process it consciously. Travel is fortuitus this month. Work with celebration and magic carpets.
This month brings new energy to old matters, there may be exciting invitations literal and energetic. You are likely to receive clues and downloads from your guides woven if outwardly it seems as though you are waiting in the wings - trust the pacing of what is landing and do your research well. This is a moment of deep change but it rests within logic, reason and deep preparation. If you feel called to rush investigate it as a possible misalignment. Things are coming together across timelines, spot patterns across years at this time. Work with the rose, 3 and the otherworldly.
For a personal deep dive book below to sit with me.
For a 'year ahead' reading book as a Healing Tarot session below and note 'year ahead' when booking.